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Discipleship training for life and service 


“Lech L’cha” (translated: “Go forth!”) the words God spoke to Abraham when He commanded Abraham to leave his home and go to Canaan (Gen. 12:1), and again when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Gen. 22:2). These words also remind us of the commandment Yeshua (Jesus) gave His disciples, saying: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matt. 28:19). “Lech L’cha” is therefore His commission to us all, to follow HIM.

Lechlcha is a Nationwide Ministry for young believers across Israel. Our heart and focus is discipleship, teaching, equipping, and encouraging young believers to live and walk, a life of faith which is affected by the Word and power of God in their lives.

We run  3-month Discipleship Programs, young adults weekend Conferences, and Mission outreaches to the Nations.



Our Goal

Our goal is to bring glory to Yeshua the Messiah, by encouraging young Israeli believers to live a life of discipleship,  Having a daily study of God’s Word, spending time in prayer, worship, fellowship, and go out and do evangelism, sharing the Good-News. 


Our goal is to know Yeshua, to walk with Him, and to make Him known. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to make disciples who make disciples and multiply.


We seek to equip young Israeli believers for life and ministry (in whatever vocation they may be called to) while keeping Yeshua at the center of all we do.


We aim to help them become fully grounded in the Word of God and equip them for their own daily bible study; to learn to live the life of a disciple of Yeshua, which is also expressed in the lifestyle of evangelism; to be equipped for service in their local congregations, according to the gifting God has given them and His calling in their lives, and to grow as servants of the Lord.

Non-Profit Org.

We are a non-profit organization,

registered and recognized as such by the State of Israel. In addition, we enjoy and benefit from an oversight committee which is composed of pastors representing different congregations from around Israel.


LECH L’CHA does not belong to any particular congregation. We work in cooperation with the local Israeli congregations while maintaining the importance of the local congregation as the first and foremost framework for growing in the Lord. We aim to serve God by serving the entire body of Messiah, preserving the unity in faith, while encouraging and supporting the local congregations.

Sign up for Lechlcha!

Sign up to Lechlcha to start the process! 

This program takes place between

April 28 - July 27

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Sign up
Image by Dave Herring

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